O'Meara Wagner is excited to welcome two new associates to the firm, Tammy Nguyen and Luke Belflower.
Tammy recently joined our Workers’ Compensation Practice Group. Kristen Anderson Ryan, who recently became Chair of the firm’s Workers’ Compensation Practice Group commented, “Tammy brings great energy to our group and has demonstrated a strong work ethic while developing her knowledge of Minnesota workers’ compensation law and advocating for our employer and insurance clients.” Tammy may be reached at TLNguyen@OLWKlaw.com or (952) 806-0429.
Luke is a new addition to our Litigation and Business Practice Groups. “Luke is a seasoned litigator and presents some added business and employment litigation expertise we have been looking for. He’ll be a great addition and we are excited about his long-term future at O’Meara Wagner,” said Michael M. Skram, Chair of O’Meara Wagner’s Litigation Practice Group. Luke may be contacted at LFBelflower@OLWKlaw.com or (952) 806-0497.
Chris Celichowski, O’Meara Wagner’s Managing Shareholder, noted the additions of Nguyen and Belflower reflect the firm’s growing business. “Tammy and Luke will help us continue to provide our clients with the highest level of professional legal services they have come to expect from us. In 2023, we are celebrating our 50th year. Our firm, for the past half-century, has provided clients throughout Minnesota and the nation strong relationships, rock-solid reliability and great results. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, we are embracing opportunities to improve the services we provide our clients while continuing to identify, enhance and seize opportunities for prudent growth.”